martes, 15 de enero de 2019

Letter to the 18 year old ME

Dear 18 year old me,

     I am writing this letter in a bathroom. Yes, don’t judge me. I didn’t know where else to go. The life of the 24 years old us, isn’t that fun. Just so you know!

 I would like to start by saying that, things have changed…. A little…. No, a lot…. Well, a little too much actually. Things are very different, so sit down and enjoy what I am going to tell you.

First of all, stop wasting your time trying to hide behind that closet. BREATH, everything has always been so obvious. They will all find out about who you truly are, and to be honest not in the best way possible so, I suggest you to get ready for that. It is not that bad though. You will get some endless crying nights. You will see some people cry for you. You will lose a lot of people who will even dislike you and even hate you just for that. You will meet the wrong people. You will be in toxic relationships. You will do things which will not make you so proud of yourself. BUT, don’t worry; it will not be the end of the world. You will make it alive… So, yes you can stop fucking up your mind and fucking around with people’s feelings too. They don't really deserve that. Well, some of them do. Make those cry a little. Well, not really. Okay, no. this is not how it goes. Sorry... Anyways, there is no need to fight a battle with yourself. Nobody really cares. Just be careful, girls are even worse to date once you’re out.

Stop trusting those who you call friends. They are getting ready to use all they know about you to destroy you. DON’T PANIC! You will know how to deal with it. Be very careful who you try to be close to because those are the ones who will know how to hurt you. And that my dear, it is going to fuck you up so hard that it will change even the way you think about life. Look at them closely, all of them. Your so call friends, pay attention to those words, to the “forever and ever” that will not exist as soon as you hit your 20s.

Enjoy life; go to all those places now that you can because girl, life gets harder. EAT, PLEASE EAT. You will fuck up our stomach trying to look good and let me just tell you that eating disorder will not treat us good. Take advantage of your age; make mistakes, don’t be scared. Dance the night away, and stop pleasing people because when you get to go through hard times, you will find yourself alone anyways.

Lastly, have fun don’t be so worried about life because, in a few years, none of that will matter. Things are not going to be easy. In fact, life will punch your face and kick your ass a couple of times. But hey, let me just tell you; you will become a bad-ass woman. 

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Letter to the 18 year old ME

Dear 18 year old me,      I am writing this letter in a bathroom. Yes, don’t judge me. I didn’t know where else to go. The life of the...